Mini Folds

Mini Format

The ¼-page mini is the workhorse of the mini-zine circuit. Half of a ½-page zine, the spread feels luxuriously wide due to its letter-size aspect ratio. Small enough to be discernibly miniature, but large enough to tell a story, capture a mood, or advance a philosophical argument!

The standard mini is made by cutting two sheets of letter paper in half and folding them to make four signatures, for a total of 12 interior pages.

Mini Comic
12 pages
5.5 x 4.25 x 0.01 inches
Shipping Weight:
0.4 ounces

Browse Mini Comics

Cover of Mini #2

#2 ∙ January–March 2015

Cover of Mini #1

#1 ∙ December 2014–January 2015